Farmers Market

Farmers Market is always on my “to do” list. It’s where I go to get the freshest fruits and veggies and local products. The freshly picked produce doesn’t have to travel far from the farm to my house, I can get the best of what’s in season, and I support my community. What’s not to love?

Bob’s Red Mill Coconut Flour

Coconut flour – packed with protein, fiber and nutrients – is a staple in many of my gluten-free baking recipes. Just know that when substituting coconut flour for wheat flour, use less, add more eggs, and sometimes I add almond butter for consistency. [Link to Banana Muffin Recipe].

Sillicon Pad / Cupcake Molds – (professional baking mat)

One of my favorite finds for baking is the silicon pad (and cupcake molds). Stick-free without using grease, these pads make baking so much easier – and healthier!